Kento Ankokuden Cestvs

Ch.127 The Two Delegations

Ch.001 Ch.002 Ch.003 Ch.004 Ch.005 Ch.006 Ch.007 Ch.008 Ch.009 Ch.010 Ch.011 Ch.012 Ch.013 Ch.014 Ch.015 Ch.016 Ch.017 Ch.018 Ch.019 Ch.020 Ch.021 Ch.022 Ch.023 Ch.024 Ch.025 Ch.026 Ch.027 Critical Point Ch.028 Explosion Ch.029 Ch.030 Ch.031 Ch.032 Ch.033 Ch.034 Ch.035 Comeback Ch.036 Curse Ch.037 Lingering Image Ch.038 Continual Change Ch.039 Test Fights Ch.040 Intersection Ch.041 The Slave Highway Ch.042 Ch.043 Baptism Ch.044 Nonconformist Ch.045 Ch.046 Mania Ch.047 Ch.048 Ch.049 Ch.050 Chapter L Arrivals At The Port Ch.051 Ch.LI A Phantasmal Fragrance Ch.052 Ch.LII An Agonising Collapse Ch.053 Ch.LIII Realisation Ch.054 Ch.LIV The Victor's Conduct Ch.055 Ch.LV A Festival of Slaughter Ch.056 Ch.LVI The Setting Sun Ch.057 Ch.LVII The Lion's Offspring Ch.058 Ch. LVIII A Strange Play Ch.059 Dreams Ch.060 Old Wounds Ch.061 Doubt Ch.062 Declaration of War Ch.063 Beastly Cries Ch.064 The Silver Master Ch.065 Duty Ch.066 Spectator Ch.067 Leaping Bugs Ch.068 Eye Disease Ch.069 The Selection Battle Ch.070 Master and Students Ch.071 Daybreak Ch.072 A Strict Command Ch.073 Ch.LXXIII A Ghastly Mood Ch.074 Ch.075 A Wicked Fist Ch.076 Outsider Ch.077 The Path of Mortal Combat Ch.078 In a Flash Ch.079 Natural Talent Ch.080 Breaking the Deadlock Ch.081 Arousal Ch.082 Dog and Monkey Ch.083 A Master's Guidance Ch.084 The Autumn Breeze Ch.085 Consecrating the Thornless Flower (I) Ch.086 Consecrating the Thornless Flower (II) Ch.087 Consecrating the Thornless Flower (III) Ch.088 Consecrating the Thornless Flower (IV) Ch.089 Prologue Ch.090 The City of Venus Ch.091 The Beast's Path Ch.092 The Banquet Ch.093 At the other side Ch.094 The Night the Goddess Fell from the Tree Ch.095 Fighting Dogs Ch.096 A Mundane Quarrel Ch.097 The Watchdog's Lament Ch.098 Present from a Have-Not Ch.099 The Slave Boxers' Dinner Ch.100 An Unfortunate Invitation Ch.103 Bellows and Jeers Ch.104 Immediate Pre-Emption Ch.105 A Close Range Counter Attack Ch.106 Ch.107 Ch.109 A Trickle of Blood Ch.110 A Way Out; The Decapitator II Ch.111 A Modest Amount of Divine Protection Ch.112 A Parting Glance Ch.113 An Uneasy Respite Ch.115 Ch.116 Ch.117 Ch.118 Ch.119 Ch.120 Ch.121 The Silent Magician Ch.122 The Empresses' Son Ch.123 Lamentations of the Emperor's Son Ch.124 For One Born a Woman of Rome Ch.125 Invitation from a Poisonous Woman Ch.126 The Six Wine Cups Ch.127 The Two Delegations Ch.128 The Intelligence War Ch.129 The Soaring Sky Ch.130 Master and Servant Ch.131 The Glorious Vanguard Ch.132 The Battle Princess Dances Ch.133 A Possessor of Godly Speed Ch.135 Master of the Air Ch.136 A Midday Star Cluster Ch.137 The Oath Ch.138 Like a Lion Ch.139 The Unnoticed Trap Ch.140 The Poisonous Flowers Silent Blooming Ch.141 The Final Move Ch.142 A Declaration of Absolute Victory Ch.143 Echoes and Ripples Ch.144 Inrush Ch.145 The Sparkling Assassin's Dagger Ch.146 Intrustion Ch.147 A Standoff Between Giant Beasts Ch.148 Interred in the Stream Ch.149 The Seeds of Tragedy Ch.150 The Baby Bird's Fall Ch.151 The Scheme's Tremulous Sleep Ch.152 Epilogue The River of Time Brooks No Return Ch.153 The Pickaxe Ch.154 Envoys of the Emperor
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