Naruto 635 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]
06.13.2013 09:04
Naruto 635 spoilers!!! NARUTO 635 Predictions&Discussions!!!
Naruto 634 has been released now!!! Read it on!
Naruto 635 Spoiler Summary:
水月が体をくっつけカリンを噛ませ回復 そのほかの影達も順番に回復
サイはサスケの真意を知りたくサクラにどう思っているのか聞く サクラの笑顔は嘘だと見抜いて いるサイ
アマテラスで燃えた十尾 ナルトは中から他の尾獣を助け出すと言うが???は焼き払うと言う
サスケは忍び世界のシステムを俺が変えると思っており尾獣ごと消すつもり ナルトは困った顔を している
ごめんよく見たらお互い貫かれてる カカシとオビト
Katsuyu is treating Tsunade
Katsuyu and Orochimaru talk and she is reluctant to trust him
Suigetsu and Karin help in healing Tsunade
Sai’s still trying to figure out what the deal with Sasuke is so he asks Sakura. He can tell her smile is a lie.
Sakura says she’s happy Sasuke came back.
Amaterasu is burning the Juubi. Naruto wants to save the other Bijuu inside it but Sasuke wants to reduce it to ashes.
Sasuke says that in order for him to change the system of the shinobi world he wants to erase all the Bijuu, which worries Naruto.
The Juubi separates its burning part from itself.
The Kage are hurrying to the battlefield.
The final panel is Kakashi and Obito piercing through each other.
the one who healed the Kage was Tsunade!
Orochimaru’s group left early
Naruto 634 "A New Three-Way Deadlock" Summary:
After Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura summon Aoda, Gamakichi, and Katsuyu respectively, Naruto is surprised that Gamabunta didn't appear. Gamakichi states that his father was busy, and Naruto praises how Gamakichi got bigger. He then instructs Gamakichi to attack the original Ten-Tails. Meanwhile, Sasuke instructs Aoda to go straight ahead, while he would attack the original himself. Sakura tells Katsuyu to split into several parts to heal the Shinobi Alliance.

Minato acknowledges the trio, stating that this is the new three-way deadlock summoning leading Hiruzen to remember his students and acknowledge that it was truly the dawning of a new era. Naruto then uses Wind Release: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken at the Ten-Tails, while Sasuke activates his Susanoo while on Aoda's head to fire Blaze Release: Susanoo Kagutsuchi at the Ten-Tails. Naruto remembers what he had said some time ago to Yamato that only wind was able to make fire stronger. The Rasenshuriken merges with the flaming arrow, forming a swirling mass of black flames which struck down the Ten-Tails, enveloping it.
Elsewhere, Orochimaru, Suigetsu, and Karin arrive at their destination, with the Sannin commenting on Tsunade's bad condition.
What do you think about naruto chapter 633?
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Naruto 635 Spoiler Trivia: Sakura had one of the longest battle scenes in the anime (eight full episodes), giving her roughly three hours of battle screen time. This is when she and Chiyo were fighting Sasori.
Naruto 635 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!