Spoilers & News > Bleach Spoilers > Bleach 579 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]
Bleach 579 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]
04.23.2014 15:48
Bleach 579 Spoilers!!! Bleach 579 Prediction and Discussions!!! Bleach 578 has been released now!!!
Bleach 579 Spoilers Summaries
Trans: dingyibvs
V对剑八又说了一些话 V最后变成了一个脑子
剑八的队员们簇拥过来 剑八训斥了他们 队员们离开的时候遭到了攻击
V said a few more words to Kenpachi, and V turned into a brain-like being.
Kenpachi’s squad members came over, Kenpachi berates them, and when the squad members leave they were attacked.
The ones who appear are those 4 girls associated with E.
-- End
Bleach 578 “THE UNDEAD 5” Summary:
As the meteorite is destroyed, Gremmy is shocked and calls Kenpachi a monster. Hearing Kenpachi's claim about being able to cut anything, Gremmy surrounds Kenpachi with several copies of himself and envelopes him in the vacuum of space. As his body fluids evaporate and his body starts declining, Kenpachi takes advantage of Gremmy's low defense and cuts one of the clones in half. Several of them then gather by him and cause a large explosion. Gremmy, exhausted, sees Kenpachi has survived the explosion and starts to increase his strength whilst proclaiming he will become stronger and win. His body breaks apart due to the pressure of the new muscles and he falls to the ground. Kenpachi then comments on his opponent's stupidity.
what do you think about ch 578?
Bleach 579 Spoiler Trivia: Kenpachi theme song, as chosen by Tite Kubo, is Massive Attack’s “Superpredators.”
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Bleach 579 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!