Strike Witches Rei: 1937 Fusou Kaijihen
Author:Projekt Kagonish SHIMADA Fumikane
Latest Chapter:Ch.015
Strike Witches - Aurora no Majo
Author:Projekt Kagonish /SHIMADA Fumikane
Latest Chapter:Ch.013
Strike Witches - Kurenai no Majotachi
Author:Projekt Kagonish SHIMADA Fumikane
Latest Chapter:Vol.01 Ch.018
The year is 1944, around when Miyafuji Yoshika joined the 501st JFW to protect Gallia. The South European nat...
Strike Witches: Katayoku no Majotachi
Author:Projekt Kagonish SHIMADA Fumikane
Latest Chapter:Ch.014
Strike Witches Rei - 1937 Fusou Kaiji Hen
Author:Projekt Kagonish SHIMADA Fumikane
Latest Chapter:Ch.004
Noble Witches - 506th Joint Fighter Wing
Author:Shimada Humikane Projekt Kagonish
Latest Chapter:Ch.017
“Noblesse Oblige“ - The obligation of nobles. This addition to the World Witches franchise focuses on the 50...
Strike Witches - Kimi to Tsunagaru Sora
Author:Projekt Kagonish SHIMADA Fumikane
Latest Chapter:Ch.008.5
The Sky That Connects Us, often referred to as “Strike Witches 1.5“, is a manga that was published in Nyanty...