Spoilers & News > News > Maoyuu Maou Yuusha Anime Reveals Theme Song Singers with New Character Designs
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha Anime Reveals Theme Song Singers with New Character Designs
11.28.2012 10:28
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha Manga:
TV anime Maoyuu Maou Yuusha will start airing in January, 2013. A few days ago, the official site revealed the singers of the anime’s theme songs as well as the character designs of Prince of Winter and the Witch. The opening theme will be played by YOHKO, a 21-year old girl who’s a songwriter with a beautiful pure voice. The ending theme will be played by Akino Arai, a talented songwriter and singer that has written dozens of well known songs. She’s best known for her works in anime such as Outlaw Star, Noir, Macross Plus, and many others.
Character Designs of Prince of Winter and the Witch
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