Takemitsu Zamurai

Vol.01 Ch.001 The Cat Says that the Stench of Blood Surrounds that Man.

Vol.01 Ch.001 The Cat Says that the Stench of Blood Surrounds that Man. Vol.01 Ch.002 Mononoke and the Bamboo Sword Vol.01 Ch.003 Butterfly Vol.01 Ch.004 The Swordsman's Heart - The First Vol.01 Ch.005 The Swordsman's Heart - The Second Vol.01 Ch.006 The Archery Range Vol.01 Ch.007 The Wind that Blows Between Life and Death Vol.01 Ch.008 Amidst the Cicadas' Cries, a Samurai Reminisces. Vol.01 Ch.009 The Approaching Fall Vol.01 Ch.010 The Thread of Life + The Spear Handler Genji Vol.02 Ch.011 The First Dream of the New Year Vol.02 Ch.012 Tsune's Self-Confidence Vol.02 Ch.013 The Tsujigiri Hunt Vol.02 Ch.014 Tsujigiri Conclusion Vol.02 Ch.015 The Demon Comes Vol.02 Ch.016 Snow and Ink Vol.02 Ch.017 Noxious Fumes Vol.02 Ch.018 Murder Under the Moonlight Vol.02 Ch.019 Rumblings of the Distant Thunder Vol.02 Ch.020 The Scenery of a Certain Tenement Vol.03 Ch.021 The Wind Blows the Trees Vol.03 Ch.022 Friends Vol.03 Ch.023 One Hot Day Vol.03 Ch.024 A Warrior In An Age of Peace Vol.03 Ch.025 The Demon Comes Forth Vol.03 Ch.026 The Aftermath of Tsunegorou's Death Vol.03 Ch.027 Rain Vol.03 Ch.028 The Two Demons Vol.03 Ch.029 The Mountain Rumbles' and the Mouse Squeaks Vol.03 Ch.030 After the Arrest of Kikuchi... Vol.04 Ch.031 Tateishi Vol.04 Ch.032 Omurasaki Juuzo's Long Story (Part 1) Vol.04 Ch.033 Omurasaki Juuzo's Long Story (Part 2) Vol.04 Ch.034 Omurasaki Juuzo's Long Story (Part 3) Vol.04 Ch.035 The Sun Sets Quickly In The Fall Vol.04 Ch.036 Mori Sazatarou Goes To Edo Vol.04 Ch.037 A Caged Bird Vol.04 Ch.038 Circumstances of their Home Vol.04 Ch.039 The Young Men Vol.04 Ch.040 Glass Eyed Tetsuzou Vol.05 Ch.005 Vol.05 Ch.010.5 Bonus The Spear Handler Genji Vol.05 Ch.041 God of Thunder Vol.05 Ch.042 The Dream That The 3rd Son Sees Vol.05 Ch.043 Mori Sazatarou's Fighting Spirit Vol.05 Ch.044 Focusing Light Vol.05 Ch.045 Kikuchi on the Run Vol.05 Ch.046 The Horse and the Man Vol.05 Ch.047 Memories of a Mountain Vol.05 Ch.048 Assassination Vol.05 Ch.049 Losing Nerve Vol.05 Ch.050 The Happenings of Shinano, The Everyday Things of Edo Vol.05 Ch.051 Vol.05 Ch.052 Vol.05 Ch.053 Vol.05 Ch.054 Vol.05 Ch.055 Vol.05 Ch.056 Vol.05 Ch.057 Vol.05 Ch.058 Vol.05 Ch.059 Vol.05 Ch.060 Vol.05 Ch.061 Vol.05 Ch.062 Vol.05 Ch.063 Vol.05 Ch.064 Vol.05 Ch.065 Vol.05 Ch.066 Vol.05 Ch.067 Vol.05 Ch.068 Vol.05 Ch.069 Vol.05 Ch.070 Vol.05 Ch.071 Vol.05 Ch.072 Vol.05 Ch.073 Vol.05 Ch.074 Vol.05 Ch.075 Vol.05 Ch.076 Vol.05 Ch.077 Vol.05 Ch.078 Vol.05 Ch.079 Vol.05 Ch.080 Vol.05 Ch.081 Vol.05 Ch.082 Vol.05 Ch.083
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