In a world where doppelg?ngers exist and are tasked with killing their human counterparts, a devil named Joon falls prey to distraction and accidentally creates Doh Seong-ah. He’s supposed to be taki...more
In a world where doppelg?ngers exist and are tasked with killing their human counterparts, a devil named Joon falls prey to distraction and accidentally creates Doh Seong-ah. He’s supposed to be taking the place of Lee Woo-yeol, but instead comes out looking like the male version of Joon’s favorite idol! Undeterred, Seong-ah enters the human realm to start his mission, but Woo-yeol proves to be far more formidable and terrifying than Seong-ah anticipated… Can he succeed in eliminating Woo-yeol? Or will the world be big enough for the two of them after all…?
Caution to under-aged viewers: The series Kill Me if You Can contain themes or scenes that may not be suitable for very young readers thus is blocked for their protection. If you are 18 and above, Please click here to continue reading.