Houshin Engi Gaiden

Ch.176 The Signpost of History 5 - The Third Island, Hourai Island

Ch.002 Second Act Suupuu's family at the risk of splitting up Ch.003 Ch.004 Ch.005 Ch.006 Skill at Temptation Ch.007 Dakki-chan Makes a Taibon Ch.008 Epilouge of the Prolouge Ch.009 Enter the Human Paopei, Nataku Ch.010 Nataku, The Birth Secret Ch.011 Taibokou Vs Nataku, Decisive Arial Battle Ch.012 Nataku, Conclusion Ch.013 Diciple of Gyukutei Shinjin of the Gyokusen Mountain, Youzen Appear... Ch.014 Youzen's Test Ch.015 Test, Completion Ch.016 Dakki-chan Holds the Shuchi Nikurin Ch.017 Brothers of the Sky Ch.018 Taikoubou, Gaining an Afro Ch.019 Taikoubou's Doping Ch.020 A Pair of Princes Ch.021 A Pair of Princes II Ch.022 A Pair of Princes III Ch.023 The Dialectic of the Future - Part 001 Ch.024 The Dialectic of the Future - Part 002 Ch.024.5 Dokouson Goes Skirt Chasing (Side Story) Ch.025 Dakki and Kibi's 3-Minute Cooking Ch.026 Bunchuu Vs Dakki's Composition Ch.027 Taikoubou's Disciple Ch.028 Taikoubou and Kishou Ch.029 Buseiou's Rebellion ? - Kashi and Koushi Ch.030 Buseiou's Rebellion ? - Chuuou's Power Ch.031 Buseiou's Rebellion ? - Tenka Enters Ch.032 Buseiou's Rebellion ? - Taikoubou Joins Ch.033 Buseiou's Rebellion ? - Nataku, Takeoff!!! Ch.034 Buseiou's Rebellion ? - Kingou's Paopei Ch.035 Buseiou's Rebellion ? - Nataku Joins Ch.036 The Shisei of Kuryuu ? - Suspecting Taikoubou's a Weakling Ch.037 The Shisei of Kuryuu ? - The Shisei's Past Ch.038 The Shisei of Kuryuu ? - Drinking Party Ch.039 The Shisei of Kuryuu ? - Shisei, to Seik Ch.040 The Shisei of Kuryuu ? - The Genius, Youzen Ch.041 The Shisei of Kuryuu ? - Crusher Nataku Ch.042 The Shisei of Kuryuu ? - Taikoubou Gives the Karyuuhyou to Kou Tenka Ch.043 Go With the Night... Ch.044 The Taishi of the Yin Ch.045 Two Seperate Paths Ch.046 Past, Present and Future ? - The Villian?Dakki-chan Ch.047 Past, Present and Future ? - Nataku's Paopei-Hunting and Genshi Ten Ch.048 Past, Present and Future ? - Battle Cooking!! Kou Hiko Vs. Nan Kyuu Ch.049 Past, Present and Future ? - Taikoubou's Person Houshin and the Foo Ch.050 Past, Present and Future ? - Elephant Race Ch.051 Past, Present and Future ? - Ties of Succeeding Blood Ch.052 Suupuushan, Becoming Bird Bait Ch.053 The Curtain Falls on the Aging Wiseman ? Ch.054 The Curtain Falls on the Aging Wiseman ? Ch.055 Maka Yonshou ? - The End of the Revolution's Beginning and the Turning Point of Our Tale Ch.056 Maka Yonshou ? - The Nightmare Begin Ch.057 Maka Yonshou ? - The Time When They're Captured, Escape and Assemble Ch.058 Maka Yonshou ? - Special Attack!! Human Paopei!! And the End of the Kakoten!!? Ch.059 Maka Yonshou ? - ... Or So You Thought, But There are More Kakotens!! Ch.060 Maka Yonshou ? - Raishinshi, Called an Oak Tree Ch.061 Maka Yonshou ? - Tenka Returns!!! Ch.062 Maka Yonshou ? - Tenka's Rematch!!! Ch.063 Maka Yonshou ? - The Four United ? The Maka Yonshou's Original Form!!!! Ch.064 Maka Yonshou ? - Maka Yonshou, to Houshindai Ch.065 Great Spy Operation!!! Ch.066 Bird Ch.067 The Yin-Zhou Revolution Begins! Ch.068 Inside Kingou Island ~Sengyouku's Daddy Ch.069 Dokouson Elopes in the Night Ch.070 Tou Kyuukou, Sengyoku, and Yuushuko Join the Zhou Ch.071 The Aloof Warrior Ch.072 Virus Ch.073 The Struggle Over Ryogaku's Blood Ch.074 So Go's Family Circumstances Ch.075 Delinquent Son - Nataku's Rebellion and Growth Ch.076 Two Princes - Descent from Kongrong Ch.077 The Princes' Choices - Part 1 Ch.078 The Princes' Choices - Part 2 Ch.079 The Princes' Choices - Part 3 Ch.080 The Princes' Choices - Part 4 Ch.081 The Princes' Choices - Part 5 Ch.082 The Princes' Choices - Part 6 ~Chou Koumei's Packing Ch.083 Gigantic Chou Koumei Ch.084 The Luxury Liner Queen Joker Version 2 Ch.085 The Chou Koumei Captures I - Even Youzen's In Trouble Ch.086 The Chou Koumei Captures II - Brain Control Ch.087 The Chou Koumei Captures III - Kingou's Human Paopei Ch.088 The Chou Koumei Captures IV -Proof of Humanity (First Part) Ch.089 The Chou Koumei Captures V - Proof of Humanity (Second Part) Ch.090 The Chou Koumei Captures VI - Sengyoku, Stalker Damage Ch.091 The Chou Koumei Captures VII - The Sennyo Water (Part 001) Ch.092 The Chou Koumei Captures VIII - The Sennyo Water (Part 002) Ch.093 The Chou Koumei Captures IX - Labyrinth Ch.094 The Chou Koumei Captures X - Labyrinth 002 Ch.095 The Chou Koumei Captures XI - Labyrinth 003 Ch.096 The Chou Koumei Captures XII - Top Floor Ch.097 The Chou Koumei Captures XIII - Fearfully Sexy Talents, The Dread of... Ch.098 The Chou Koumei Captures XIV -Magical Sweet Angels Un?Shou?Sanshimai!! Ch.099 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -BLACK- Ch.100 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -Kinkousen Choukoumei Rainbow Version- Ch.101 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -BAD END- Ch.102 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -Stop Annyui Gakuen!- Ch.103 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -Suupuu Valley- Ch.104 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -Flower- Ch.105 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -Mid-Air Technique- Ch.106 MID-BOSS BATTLE ? -Gentleman Felled- Ch.107 Tsuuten Kyoushu ONE Ch.108 Tsuuten Kyoushu TWO Ch.109 The Great Sennin War 1 -Against the Kingou Island Invasion, Kongrong Mountain mobilizes!!! Ch.110 The Great Sennin War 2 -Explosion! Bunchuu's Charge!! Youzen's Wall!!! Ch.111 The Great Sennin War 3 -Bunchuu's Charge Without Stop! Kongrong Mountain in a tight spot against Kin Ch.112 The Great Sennin War 4 -Genius Doushi- Ch.113 The Great Sennin War 5 -Genius Doushi 2- Ch.114 The Great Sennin War 6 -Hanyoutai Youzen- Ch.115 The Great Sennin War 7 -The Youzen Rescue Plan and Outenkun's Trap- Ch.116 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kaketsujin" - The World of Toys ? Ch.117 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kaketsujin" - The World of Toys ? Ch.118 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kaketsujin" - Concentration Ch.119 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kaketsujin" - Understanding, Not Understanding Ch.120 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kaketsujin" - Rain of Blood Ch.121 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kaketsujin" - Gyokutei Shinjin's soul flies to the Houshindai Ch.122 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Fuukoujin" - INTO THE TORNADO Ch.123 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Fuukoujin" - Bug Ch.124 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kanbyoujin" - New Romantic Ch.125 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kanbyoujin" - Molecular Power Ch.126 Parasitic Paopei I -Igo Arrives!!- Ch.127 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kanbyoujin + Rakkonjin" - Nataku, Youzen, Igo's Alliance!! Ch.128 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kanbyoujin + Rakkonjin" - An Old-Man-ish Doushi Ch.129 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kanbyoujin + Rakkonjin" - SHADOW Ch.130 The Juuzetsujin Fights - "Kanbyoujin + Rakkonjin" - Light Ch.131 Tsuuten Kyoushu THREE Ch.132 Tsuuten Kyoushu FOUR Ch.133 Tsuuten Kyoushu FIVE Ch.134 Tsuuten Kyoushu SIX Ch.135 Deathmatch 1 -Suupuupapa Appears- Ch.136 Deathmatch 2 -Fugen Shinjin- Ch.137 Deathmatch 3 -Fugen Shinjin II- Ch.138 Deathmatch 4 -Taikoubou V.S. Bunchuu Will the BQuick Attack Suceed!?- Ch.139 Deathmatch 5 -Kokukirin- Ch.140 Deathmatch 6 -When It Rains Stars- Ch.141 Deathmatch 7 -A Blinding Light, a Deafening Silence, and Then...- Ch.142 Deathmatch 8 -An Eternal Happiness- Ch.143 Deathmatch 009 - Super Paopei "Bankohan" Ch.144 Deathmatch 010 - Genshi Tenson Gets Drilled by Outenkun Ch.145 Deathmatch 011 - The Past That Clashes with the Present Ch.146 Deathmatch 012 - Courageous Warrior Houshined Ch.147 A Wizening Symbol and the Wind of the Future (Up) Ch.148 A Wizening Symbol and the Wind of the Future (Down) Ch.149 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 001 - A Return and Then a Departure Ch.150 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 002 - Tougenkyou Ch.151 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 003 - Waiver in the Clouds But Be Not... Ch.152 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 004 - Taikoubou Becomes a Muscle-boun... Ch.153 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 005 - Roushi Ch.154 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 006 - Sleep Ch.155 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 007 - Taikoubou Does a Mugging Ch.156 The Journey to Find Taijou Roukun 008 - Conclusion Ch.157 Menchijou's Assault and Defence (Up) - Versus!! Doryuusou Version Cho... Ch.158 Menchijou's Assault and Defence (Middle) - Taijou Roukun's Teaching Ch.159 Menchijou's Assault and Defence (Down) - Houshindai Ch.160 Bokuya no Tatakai -Introduction- Ch.161 Bokuya no Tatakai ? - Taikyokuzu vs Keiseigenjou!!! Ch.162 Bokuya no Tatakai ? - Blood Line Ch.163 Bokuya no Tatakai ? - The Son of Heaven Chuuou Ch.164 Bokuya no Tatakai ? - The Genetic Child of Touou Ch.165 The Signpost of History 1 - Sandcastle Ch.166 The Signpost of History 2 - The Truth Behind the Houshin Project!! Ch.167 Bokuya no Tatakai ? - The Resurrection of the Touou Legend Ch.168 Bokuya no Tatakai ? - Chuuou, Learns His Helplessness At Bokuya Ch.169 Bokuya no Tatakai ? - Conclusion Ch.170 The Blood of House Kou ? - Tenka's Present Ch.171 The Blood of House Kou ? - The Third Outenkun Ch.172 The Blood of House Kou ? - Tenka Houshin Ch.173 Yin Dynasty Falls Ch.174 The Signpost of History 3 - Prediction Ch.175 The Signpost of History 4 - BLACK BOX Ch.176 The Signpost of History 5 - The Third Island, Hourai Island Ch.176.5 Gossip 02 Idle Talk - Kongrong Mountain 2 Explosive 4 Parts!!! (Omake) Ch.177 The Signpost of History 6 - Warpzone Ch.178 The Signpost of History 7 - Nentou Doujin Ch.179 The Signpost of History 8 - Dai?Dai?Dai?Paopei Taikai Opening? Ch.180 The Signpost of History 9 - The Arrogant Paopei Ch.181 The Signpost of History 10 - The Null Paopei Ch.182 The Signpost of History 11 - The Return of Ou Kijin!! Ch.183 The Signpost of History 12 - Paopei ''Customized'' Human!! Ch.184 The Signpost of History 13 - Magical Transformation Bishoujo Ko Kibi Seven Transformation Ch.185 The Signpost of History 14 - The Youkai That Controls Time Ch.186 Mirror 1 Ch.187 Mirror 2 Ch.188 Mirror 3 Ch.189 The Signpost of History 15 - The First People Ch.190 The Signpost of History 16 - Fukki Ch.191 The Signpost of History 17 - Taikoubou + Outenkun = Ou Eki = Fukki Ch.192 The Signpost of History 18 - Jyoka, a Big Ror of Laughter Ch.193 The Signpost of History 19 - The Battle of Mutual Deceit Ch.194 The Signpost of History 20 - Soul Split Ch.195 Great Mother ? - Bansenjin Ch.196 Great Mother ? - Body Ch.197 Great Mother ? - Dakki-chan's Secret Ch.198 Great Mother ? - Quiet Movement Ch.199 Great Mother ? - Absorption Ch.200 Houshindai Open!!! Ch.201 To a Sign-less Road... (Up) Ch.202 To a Sign-less Road... (Down) Ch.203 Clean-Up (Up) Ch.204 Clean-Up (Down) Ch.204.5 Special
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